Alexandra  Veledina

Alexandra Veledina

Nordic Assistant Professor

Research Groups

Astrophysics and Astroparticle Physics

Contact information

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Office number - 6319


Alexandra Veledina got her PhD from the University of Oulu, Finland, in 2014. She made a short postdoc at the University of Turku before moving to Stockholm as Nordita fellow in 2016. Since September 2017, she is Nordic assistant professor on a joint appointment with the University of Turku, Finland.

Her research is in the field of radiative processes in nearly-Maxwellian relativistic plasmas. In particular, her works are concentrated on modeling spectral and temporal characteristics of accreting compact objects such as black holes and neutron stars. She developed an accretion flow model capable of explaining many enigmatic multiwavelength observations obtained recently: correlated fast optical and X-ray variability, quasi-periodic oscillations and strong non-thermal infrared/optical flares. Her works raised attention to the importance of combining spectral and timing techniques.

Alexandra continues to work with astrophysical accretion flows, now paying more attention to the flow microphysics, rather than the observed characteristics. She plans to develop an MHD code capable of describing dynamics of accretion flow with non-Maxwellian electrons, relevant to black hole accretion environment.