Directions to Biz Apartment Solna

From Stockholm Central Station to Biz Apartment Solna

From T-Centralen take the subway, blue line, towards Akalla. You get of at Solna Cetrum after 5 stops and Biz apartment Solna is a 10 minutes walk away. You walk on Centralvägen towards the main road Huvudstagatan. You then turn left onto Huvudstagatan and walk for about 5 minutes. You will find Biz apartment to your left.

From Biz Apartment Solna to Nordita

Walk towards Solna centum subway and take any train towards Kungsträgården. After 5 stops, at T- Centralen, you change train to red line towards Mörby centrum. You get off after 3 stops at Tekniska högskolan and take the exit Körsbärsvägen, keep go straight when you come out. The bus stop is just on the right side of the street at the beginning of Körsbärsvägen . Take the bus no. 61 to the end stop Ruddammen.