Directions to Biz Apartment Bromma

From Stockholm Central Station to Biz Apartment Bromma

Take the train, green line, towards Hässelby Strand/Åkeshov/Alvik and get off after 8 stops at Alvik. You then need to change to the “tvärbanan” train towards Bromma flygplats for 3 stops and get off at Bromma Blocks. Biz apartment is located right across the station.

From Biz Apartment Bromma to Nordita

From Bromma Blocks you take the train towards Alvik Strand for 3 stops and you get off at Alvik. You then change to the subway train, green line, towards Farsta Strand/Hagsätra/ Skarpnäck. You get off after 5 stops at Odenplan where you can take bus 61 for 7 stops and get off at the end stop. Nordita is located behind Albano main building.